Push for APs


Izzy James-Hutson, Assistant Editor

Accelerated students are often encouraged by teachers, peers, and parents to take honors  classes and advanced placement, (AP), classes. APs are classes that allow students to take college level courses in high school, and if a student scores high enough on the exam, then they can receive college credit. At West Brunswick, there is a very intense competition between students to be the best and the brightest: The main goal is to be number one. Many students brag about test scores or complain about how much homework they have, especially students in honor and AP classes. While AP classes can be very beneficial and make you a more competitive student, there are also many negative aspects including stress and too many classes at one time. AP classes can help students get ahead of the college “game”. If you don’t take AP classes, you have probably heard someone brag or complain about them. Many people often say they are getting a “head start” on college, or that they are more advanced in their learning. Taking AP classes can help students from having to take beginning level courses in college; these classes are free in high school, where as they would have to pay for in college. Even if students do not pass the exam, they have more background going into an actual college course than another student would. However, many students take AP classes to pass, and the passing
rate isn’t high.

With great responsibility comes great stress. West’s AP classes works on a A-day/B- day schedule. Since teachers only get to see their students every other day, teachers often assign more homework to make up for the lack of class. With a lot of AP homework, accelerated deadlines, and tougher standards, many students have anxiety and stress. Another big concern is the reason why people are taking these classes and how.

Students are beginning to take multiple AP classes at a younger age. Kids have become manifested by the idea of being first in their class and having a high GPA, and only taking honors and APs rather than a class that leads towards their pathway. Students have started to “cheat the system” and take even more AP classes online. AP students will often take online AP classes just to get head. A large issue associated with AP classes, especially online, is cheating. Being in AP classes often makes students feel that if they don’t pass a test, it’s the end of the world. This way of thinking is leading students to do anything it takes to succeed, even if that’s cheating.

A bad test grade is NOT the end of the world, taking a class you don’t like is NOT worth it, and being number one is NOT more important than your well-being.