New Women’s Basketball Coach
Photo by Ashley Norfleet
Coach Holland showing his girls plays
Dec 8, 2021
New West Brunswick women’s basketball coach, Kevin Holland, is looking forward to a great basketball season. He has coached for over 20 years and wants to finish his coaching career at West.
“I grew up in Duplin County, Warsaw, but I’ve lived all over the place, all over North Carolina,” said Holland.
He hopes for a great season and wants to make it to the playoffs. His coaching style is not as hard as it used to be; he doesn’t yell as much anymore. Holland wants the girls to have a good season; to meet this goal, he will have many physically demanding practices. This coaching style will rub off onto the girls and get them ready for the season.
“I’m pretty demanding,” said Holland. “I used to be loud and crazy but I’m not anymore.”
He has always been involved with basketball programs. Even though he was involved, he did not play sports in high school due to a lot of knee injuries. He started coaching in 1997 and has coached boys and girls from middle school to high school. For this season, he is looking forward to competing in late February.
“I want the girls to get better and have a good time, and I hope we make it to the playoffs,” said Holland.