Why is it important: The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, or FCA, is a way for people to come closer to God and improve their relationships with Him. Sometimes Christian athletes find that, because of their sport, they may not be making the time to pray or walk closer to God.
- “I joined FCA for the better of me and it has really impacted my life,” said Tyler Rodriguez. “I feel like learning about God helps my life get better every day.”
Zoom In: FCA is doing an “Around the Flag” meeting on September 27th to do a prayer before school to get students together and worship.
- “The main goal is to introduce people to Jesus or get students started on their faithwalk,” said Amanda Pittman.
The huddle leaders: Aaron Powell and Amanda Pittman are huddle leaders of the FCA meetings. Both Powell and Pittman agreed no matter how many students show up, it will always be a positive and welcoming environment for all the students, not just athletes.
What they are doing: FCA meets every first and third Wednesday of the month and is trying to set up events throughout the school year, such as the “Around the Flag” meeting and having speakers come up to talk to the students and athletes to show them how they can apply the word of God in their everyday lives.
- “We try to get Christian students to use God as an avenue to go to when they feel like they have nobody else,” said Powell.