Joe Stanley has been a prominent figure in Brunswick County for his entire life. He has influenced many lives within our small town and continues to help it grow. Stanley has worked as a banker, an automotive mechanic, and a part-time photographer but has never lost his love for the students at West Brunswick or the West Wind.
A UNC Charlotte Alumnus, Stanley now co-owns a mechanic shop in Shallotte with his older brother Moe. Not limited to his daily job, Stanley has served on numerous boards and committees. He is a lifelong photography buff, found at local sporting events regularly.
“I got my first camera when I was nine years old,” said Stanley. “I guess I could sell ’em [his pictures] but I just decided not to. I enjoy sports and I enjoy kids, so I decided that was a way I could give back to the community,”
But even with a history of taking pictures of high school sports and other events, he prefers sharing his photos freely on Facebook or via email. What began as a hobby of capturing moments at his son’s sports games became something that he enjoyed so much that even when his son Tyler graduated, Stanley kept doing it–not limiting himself to the sports his son played: football, basketball, baseball and track.
“I enjoy shooting other sports as well: I shoot cheerleaders cheering, I shoot soccer games, I’ve shot lacrosse games,” said Stanley. “I’ve shot just about across the spectrum.
Stanley has contributed to the journalism program by donating a canon ultrasonic 70-200 mm lens and speaking to the class on how to use cameras most effectively. Jordan Thomas, junior and editor-in-chief of the West Wind has known him for several years now.
“He inspired me to do more photography, and seeing him on the sidelines made me want to be like

him one day,” said Thomas. “He talks to me every time I see him. He’s just a great guy.”
Per usual, Stanley was at the first home football game of the season against North Myrtle Beach. Snapping away at the players on the field, he stopped to talk to student photographers covering the event for the West Wind. This is a regular occurrence with Stanley: taking budding photographers under his wing, lending them lenses and teaching them how to work their cameras.
As he said earlier in the week “I always like passing what I know onto others.”