Many students skip class day to day and just think it will not affect their grades or they think it is ok, if they have everything done but in reality it could still hurt them even if you have everything done because you learn something new everyday.
“I think skipping class can be bad but it depends, if like you have all your work done then no it is not bad,” said sophomore Marianna Simpson.
Students might skip class for reasons that can wait till you leave school but many students still go and skip, but do they ever think what might happen when they do? Skipping classes can give you consequences, you could risk getting caught and you could get your attendance counted absent for a decision you made. Students don’t really think about the many times you skip is counted towards them and affect their missing work not getting them in.
“There is two types of consequences for skipping,” said Assistant Principal Karla Stanley. “ You can skip on campus and just skip class or you can skip school and leave the building.” “For first level skipping, it’s one to three days of ISS. Once you get caught a second time, it’s three to five days of OSS and so on.”
A lot of students skip class because they don’t wanna go to class or they wanna go hang out with friends and many other reasons but do they think that if they constantly don’t go to class they might fall behind on their education?
¨I believe some reasons why students skip class is because they either don’t like the class or they don’t wanna do work, there is so many more reasons,” said sophomore Riley Clemmons
In the new 2024-25 school year, we had flex as a new thing to the school year, but many people don’t even go to flex they just think it is a free period and they can go and do whatever but now they take attendance so your absence will just keep getting higher the more you skip flex.
“ I think skipping flex is not as smart as people think,” said sophomore Caitlyn Hood. “ It is not smart because your absence is just going up”
There is no need to skip class or flex because in the end you could either be caught and then have a consequences or you could just get counted absent for the class you skip.