“To procrastinate, I check my teachers’ syllabus and see if they have a late work policy,” said Spencer Agner, senior. “And if they don’t, I wait until the last two weeks of the semester and turn in all my assignments and get an A.”
Procrastinating is something we all struggle with. The idea of completing assignments and studying for finals seems far away, so we push it off until the last minute. But, if you’re determined to procrastinate and still get an A, it’s not impossible. Though you have to be clever , here’s how to make it happen.
Use Deadlines to your advantage: The key to procrastination is knowing when to push things off and when to actually do them. While it is tempting to wait until the last minute, don’t forget that a tight deadline can force you to focus and finish quickly. This is where knowing the due date becomes important. If you manage your time right, you can still finish your work with enough time to give it your best effort, even if you started late.
Stay on Top of the basics: First things first, even though you’re procrastinating, don’t completely forget about the class. You can still manage to stay involved by paying attention during lectures and keeping up with any class discussions. This way, when the time comes to study, you won’t be totally clueless. Don’t rely entirely on last-minute cramming. A little bit of effort every day can save you from total disaster.
Become Friends with Your Teachers: You might have heard the phrase, “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.” Well, in high school, this can be pretty true when it comes to getting on your teacher’s good side. When you develop a good relationship with your teachers, they’re more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to missing assignments or needing extra time. Plus, teachers who like you may be more lenient on grading and may offer helpful hints during class or on assignments. Be respectful, engaged, and try to show genuine interest in the subject. A positive relationship with teachers can give you an opportunity when you need it most.
Procrastination doesn’t have to be the enemy if you use it wisely. By staying organized, becoming friendly with your teachers, and using your last-minute energy to your advantage, you can still finish strong and get that A. Just remember, it’s all about balance – don’t rely on procrastination too much, but don’t stress if you find yourself waiting until the last minute. With the right approach, you can make it through the semester with an A!