In the past few years, the men’s golf team has had no players getting cut from the team, but this year there have been rumors that the coach will be cutting players this year.
Women’s golf last year only had four members, but even with few players they still did very well. With the new year starting with the men’s team, there are a lot of freshmen wanting to join the team.
“I first started playing golf in fourth grade, and I have loved playing it ever since,” said Junior Jude Surigao. “When I first got on the team there were no cuts, but now with the tryouts starting soon there will be cuts because more people will be coming out, and it’s the first year they have ever made cuts for golf.”
Last year there were 9 players on the team, but this year there are at least 12 players that have tried out. It’s a good thing that the students are excited to join golf this year because it is a fun sport that everyone should get to play once in their life.
“It was my first time being on the golf team last year and it was a lot of fun,” said Rudolph. “My grandpa got me into golf when I was five years old, and I have been playing ever since. When I first tried out for the golf team there was no cut and we just went into practice, but I have been hearing that coach Nick will start cutting people because there will be a lot more players this year.”
The golf pro at Lockwood Folly, Nick DiPasquale, agreed to be the coach of both golf teams. For the past few years he has not cut anyone from the team, but this year this might change with all of the new golfers at West.
“I first started playing golf when I was six years old,” said freshman Bronson Knott. “I was motivated to play golf because of my dad, and I have been playing golf for 11 years now. In middle school, I was on the golf team with my friend Jax McGougan, and I had a lot of fun playing, so this year I hope I make the team.”
The players might have heard about how the coach is going to start cutting golfers this year should try not to worry about it because a golf team normally does not have a whole lot of players, but if there are a lot of players to choose from then he might just keep them all so he can help get them better for tournaments.
“This is my first time trying out for the golf team,” said freshman Julian Cerneka. “I started playing golf one year ago and it has been a lot of fun, but my friend told me about the golf team and I thought I should give it a shot. Once I heard about the cut I was kind of nervous, but I know that I will try my best.”