Recruit to Commit: The Harsh Truth
Photo by Angela Arevalo
Goalie and captain Molysha “Moe” Brown walks through the tunnel accompanied by her father, mother, and younger sister.
May 22, 2019
The harsh reality of the recruitment process is that you need to dedicate all your time to the process especially if you aspire to go to a division one school. The truth is the process is really difficult especially if you can’t figure out how to mange your time and energy. One must recognize that what you put into the process is what you get out of the process.
I struggled intensely with the recruitment process. My family isn’t rich so I couldn’t to continuously travel the country visiting colleges and attending camps that costed $400 and more. I instead put my time into emailing coaches sending them my summer schedule and any updates on my statistics. My first few emails were met with the typical from D1 lacrosse coaches, “I can’t respond until September 1st of your junior year,” so I had to make myself known at the tournaments I was able to get to.
I’m not going to lie at times I was completely overwhelmed by the process if I had an off-game. I struggled with time management, finances, and an overall know. I write this column, not to document my recruitment but instead to ease the burden of recruiting for other student-athletes struggling with the process.