West Brunswick’s 50th Homecoming Game
The West Brunswick varsity football team taking on the North Brunswick Scorpions for the 50th homecoming game.
Photo by Olivia Hewson
The JV and Varsity cheerleaders cheering on the football team from the sidelines.
Oct 20, 2022
On Friday, October 14th West hosted the annual Homecoming football game against North Brunswick High School. With a final score of 50-15, our Trojans pushed through a tough game and gave it their all. The game initially started off strong with a touchdown from the Trojans, but sadly became a rough game as we took a loss.
During halftime, the Trojans welcomed back our alumni to celebrate the achievements of West and to support our Varsity Football for West Brunswick’s 50th Anniversary. Senior Homecoming King and Queen, and Junior Homecoming Prince and Princess were also announced.