Valentine’s? Give Me Spritz!
A how to on making Italian Spritz Cookies!

Photo by Destiny Noblitt
A sweet and simple how-to on Valentine’s Spritz cookies that we’re sure you’ll love!
Feb 12, 2023
Having a hard time figuring out cute Valentine’s Day activities to do with your special someone this holiday? You should try spritz cookies! They’re the perfect balance between crispy on the outside and soft and warm on the inside, leaving a delicious smell in the kitchen. These Italian spritz cookies only have a few ingredients and are super fun to make!
Spritz cookies are something you can make just anytime or for holidays. My favorite memory of spritz cookies was this past Christmas getting to help teach my little sister how to make them. They’re so cute and fun to make, mainly depending on the holiday you make them for. For Christmas, we always make Christmas trees and snowflake cookies. Depending on the tools you’re working with, you could make them in different shapes for Valentine’s Day, like hearts or Cupid’s arrows!
What Do We Need?
- ½ cup butter
- ½ cup shortening
- ½ cup fine graduated sugar
- ¼ cup almond paste
- 1 egg, beaten
- ½ teaspoon of vanilla
- 1 tablespoon of rum flavoring
- 2 cups of all-purpose flour
- Cookie press
Now, What Do I Do?
Turn oven to 375°
Cream together butter and shortening until light.
Add and mix sugar, almond paste, egg, and vanilla until smooth.
Add flour gradually and mix thoroughly, and add rum flavoring.
Put mixture into cookie press to press various different shapes onto ungreased pans.
Bake for 8-10 minutes.
Now that you have freshly baked Spritz cookies to enjoy with your special someone, you should check out some of our other Valentine’s articles!