Same season two sports: Most student-athletes pick a separate sport to keep them in shape when in the off-season of their main sport, but two sports in the same season definitely isn’t common. Playing two sports in the same season would likely be hard on most, but some fellow Trojans are willing to take on the challenge.
Student Example: Abigail Davis is a Freshman and is currently playing two winter sports. Davis is on our school’s swim and indoor track teams. With her mom as her swim coach and her older sister as her teammate.
Even though she has family included doesn’t mean she isn’t working just as hard, if not harder. “It’s kind of difficult trying to find time to practice both sports, but I think it’s helping with my endurance,” said Davis.
Why this is an achievement: Some find it difficult just to juggle a regular schedule that only includes their school and home life; without even having an athletic extra-curricular to worry about, so most would consider playing two sports in the same season a great achievement.
Most students would find it difficult to find a balance between school, work, home life, and extracurricular activities, without the thought of a second sport added on top of that to the mix, so when a student manages to juggle all of these activities while doing it successfully, people count that as a great achievement.
Why it’s a challenge: Nearby schools, like New Hanover, have nearly twice as many students than West, which means they would have bigger teams and likely more experienced players. This causes our athletes to push themselves further to compete against those larger schools.
It might add extra pressure on athletes this year since they would want to advance and improve their team’s Winter sports record from last year. Athletes also have immense pressure to improve on our school’s fall sports record from October. If Athletes of just one sport are stressed from the pressure, how does a student dealing with two handle the pressure?