Christmas is a fun time for joy, and gift giving. When choosing the right Christmas gift can be enjoyable while also hard. It can be challenging choosing the right gift when there is a different age, and gender needed. Whether you’re shopping for a teenager or a baby it ‘s important to get a great gift. Here’s a great guide to help choose the right gift for any age.
For Children: Children have very different interests individually so make sure you know those before buying. Some educational things like books and art supplies are great for hands on learning and activities.
“Younger kids should have something that they can be educational while also fun so i feel like legos are always good” Said sophomore Layla Thomas.
For parents: Gifts for parents can sometimes be hard, you always want to give them a gift that shows your appreciation. Christmas is a good time to express your appreciation for everything they have done for you. A great gift for parents can also be an experience, not something that has to be wrapped. A memorable gift could be something like a gift card to their favorite restaurant, or a weekend vacation.
Friends: when choosing a gift for your friend it can be really fun, but you want to find something that shows how much you enjoy their friendship. Think about what hobbies your friends do in their free time. A hobby interested in gifts is always a good idea.
“ I love shopping for my friends around christmas time, I think stuff like makeup, clothes, and jewelry is a good idea for girls.” Said Junior Tess Caron.
Timing your shopping: Timing your christmas shopping is always something you need to do. Not having enough time to shop can leave you stressed. Shopping early always makes you think about your options and makes sure you have the best gift.
Big picture: The conclusion of getting a good christmas gift is enjoying it, and the thought behind it. Christians should be about your love for others.