The GFWC-WBHS Juniorettes held their induction ceremony on Friday, March 7th. This is the first time that West has had a juniorettes club. The purpose of the club is to promote leadership and community by organizing events and volunteering, it empowers young women to become active members of society.
For the ceremony, GFWC-SBI President Cindy Hewett came to induct all the new members. Hewett went over what juniorettes is and how important it is to the community. Advisor of the club, Stacey Hoffman read the pledge and had the young women recite it to continue the ceremony. The second advisor, Anna Saunders, spoke to the group about how proud and excited she was for the start of the new club.
Following the speeches, President Hewett gave each officer a flower to represent their role and importance in the club. First went the Treasurer followed by the Secretary, all the Vice-Presidents, and lastly the President and President-Elect. After all the flowers were given out, Hewett spoke to the officers, she spoke of how they needed to be strong examples and always embrace their roles.
To conclude the ceremony, the young women ate cake and had refreshments. This marked the start of a promising new journey for all the members of this group.