5 Ways To Be Successful During Remote Learning
With so many students choosing remote learning, it’s important to plan for success.
Photo by Zoey Boswell
Jan 15, 2021
- Organization
- Schedule
- Participation
- Communication
- Methods
- Stay organized!
To learn best, keep your workspace and materials organized and neat. Always keep notes for all your classes. They could be assigned from your teacher or your notes. Keep writing utensils nearby, sometimes having bright and colorful pens can inspire you to write more. Have a method to keep all of your class work and notes separated by class.
- Schedule
There are multiple ways to keep an organized schedule such as an agenda, your phone calendar or notes app, or Google Calendar. A running list will allow you to keep track of assignments, due dates, and upcoming events. This method can help you plan more effectively, leading to less stress.
- Participation
Being involved shows your teachers you’re engaging in your assignments. Some teachers even take participation grades which is an easy way to improve your grade. You can easily do this by frequently asking questions during class, answering questions voluntarily, and even using your reaction buttons on Zoom meetings! Personally, I was always too nervous to un-mute and talk, but now that everyone is required to have their cameras on, it takes some of the pressure off.
- Communication
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! You’ll never know until you ask. Teachers are always willing to help and there are many ways to ask like Zoom, office hours, email, Remind text, and private comments. You can also reach out to other people in your class for questions, guidance, or ideas; almost everyone has social media these days.
- Methods
Consider methods a combination of everything listed above as well as creating a “learning environment” at home. Create a workspace that makes you comfortable, such as the room lighting, keeping the door shut if that’s your preference, and arranging a comfortable sitting area. Scheduling, participation, communicating, and staying organized are all good practices to succeed in school, especially now that school is mostly online, and social interaction is limited.