Varsity Football vs. Ashley Screaming Eagles
Photo by Olivia Hewson
Number 32 Kevon Daniels celebrates a touchdown in the first quarter.
Nov 4, 2022
On Friday, September 23rd, the Varsity Trojans took on the Ashley Screaming Eagles for their second football game of the season. From the beginning, it was clear that the Trojans meant business as they had multiple touchdowns early in the game from Numbers’ 32 and 9. However, the Eagles were not about to go down without a fight. They fought and created a series of impressive plays that kept the Trojans on their toes. Despite any challenges they faced, the Trojans refused to give up. They dug deep, relying on their teamwork and determination to carry them through. The game had its share of injuries and setbacks, but the Trojans refused to let that slow them down. They knew that the Eagles would not back down easily and pushed themselves to the limit to stay ahead. The score was neck-and-neck, with both teams fighting for the win. But in the end, it was the Trojans who emerged as champions. Diligent defense and their tough plays throughout the game led our Trojans to a win of 56-49.