Taking The Next Steps: Senior Graduation
Seniors look to life after high school with both excitement and worries.
Photo by Jennifer Argo
Seniors are preparing to turn their tassels and toss their caps in celebration.
Apr 30, 2021
Seniors, graduation season is upon us. It’s about time to turn those tassels and take the next step. Whether you plan to attend college or travel the world, it’s scary to leave high school and move out of the nest. Graduation is on June 3rd at West Brunswick’s very own football field, and the idea of graduating at the place we’ve been for the past four years is bittersweet.
“I’d say I’m more excited for graduation,” said Myles Hansen. “I’m ready to start the next chapter in my life.”
Some seniors regret not doing all the things they hoped to do. The overall consensus is that they wished they would have gone to more football games or sporting events in general since that is such a huge part of being a student at West.
“I wish I would have attended a better variety of sporting events like softball, baseball, and soccer,” said Caroline Bryant.
While many look back and see missed opportunities, some seniors have no regrets in regards to their high school years.
“I am happy with the experiences I’ve had in high school,” said Josh Russ.
Seniors, there’s still work to be done here! Make sure you are turning in your assignments on time, participating in class, and attending those last few events and club activities.
“I need to continue to work hard in the classroom, so I can finish high school with a GPA that I am proud of,” said Lauch Murphy.
Though it seems like the year is over, senior events are still underway. Moving forward, the senior class is finding things to be excited about.
“I am most looking forward to new adventures and friends in Raleigh,” said Blake Durham.
Good luck to the Class of 2021 on your future endeavors!