Top 5 News Stories Teens Should Be Following This Week
May 3, 2021 News Stories For Teens To follow
Photo by Zoey
May 3, 2021
- CDC updates mask guidelines
It’s been over a year since everyone started wearing masks in public, and a lot of people are now vaccinated, so the CDC has updated its recommendation to allow fully vaccinated people to remove their masks at small outdoor gatherings or while outside dining. Read more about mask guidelines and recommendations in the CNN link.
- Medical students outraged about the black or “other” option
“Medicine has never been immune to racism” said Carolyn Roberts. The argument over race has generated questions about scientific data. Medical students have recognized a lot of racially-based methods to treating patients and they want it to end. Lots of teens plan to become a medical professional, so if that’s you, this could affect you as well. Read more about this in the CNN link here.
- Covid cases in India going unreported because of the overwhelming number.
India has reported 17.6 million cases since the pandemic began. Due to India’s poor health care and lack of equipment, so many lives have been lost that it’s impossible to keep count. India has tried to track the number of cases and deaths, but due to underlying reasons, it’s become impossible to ensure accuracy. Read about why India is struggling to keep up with cases in the CNN link here.
- Biden raises min wage for contractors
Thinking of becoming a contractor? Things just got better for contractors! Biden has raised the minimum wage from $10.95 an hour to $15 an hour. The minimum wage for other workers has not yet been mentioned but Biden has made ‘Blue-collar workers’ a priority to improve wages. Read more about this in this Reuters link listed.
- Supreme court case; Cheerleader vs. School
In 2017, after not making the varsity cheer team, high schooler Brandi Levy posted a Snapchat with her middle finger up and cursing the school. Administrators decided to suspend her from the cheer team which led to a federal lawsuit since the Snapchat was taken outside of school. The school says they should be able to punish Levy for disrupting the school, but Levy’s parents say she shouldn’t be punished in school for something she did outside of school. The case has been carried to the Supreme Court and will have far-reaching implications for free speech and teenagers. Read more about what happened and what will happen next in the Washington Post link here.