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The Student News Site of West Brunswick High School

The West Wind

The Student News Site of West Brunswick High School

The West Wind

The Student News Site of West Brunswick High School

The West Wind

Brooklyn Coble

Brooklyn Coble, Assistant Editor

Brooklyn Coble is an eighteen-year old senior who was born in Burlington, North Carolina. Moving here in her 6th grade year. This is Coble’s third year on the staff of the West Wind and she has thoroughly enjoyed learning more about writing but also getting to work in the social media, photography, and design aspect of it, being on the social media team has made her more outgoing and confident when communicating with others. Before enrolling in the class Coble never really had interest in photography of any kind but once she began covering events she found a passion for sports photography. This year Coble’s goal is to strengthen her abilities in design, and prepare herself as she hopes to be able to attend the University of North Carolina. 

When asked about her reasoning for joining the West Wind, Coble shared that she saw a hype video for ‘Late Night’ on the West Wind’s TikTok her sophomore year. Social Media is what first drew her in but she has spread her wings and done a little bit of everything since she first joined.

“My first semester in journalism, I was very nervous and overwhelmed since I wasn’t very confident in my writing,” said Coble. “Now that I have been in the class for 4 semesters it has become like a safe space that I look forward to the entire day.”

Coble has been playing four sports throughout all four years of her high school career: volleyball, basketball, soccer and track. Playing in sports has made her a better leader, more vocal, and has taught her how to manage her time well.

“Playing sports the entire school year while trying to balance school and a social life can be very exhausting,” said Coble. “But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

All content by Brooklyn Coble
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